Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Antonyms Together With Synonyms Listing For Ssc Cgl Together With Banking Corporation Po Exams

List Of Antonyms too Synonyms With Hindi Meaning

Word शब्द Synonym Antonym
Abandon त्याग दें Give upward , Reject , Renounce , Drop , Desert , Quit , Forsake , Leave , Forgo , Surrender , Vacate Self-control , Adopt , Uphold , Remain alongside , Adhere to , Keep , Retain alongside , Stay alongside , Cling to
Abhor घृणा करना Disdain , Hate , Abominate , Dislike , Scorn , Despise Devotion , Fondness , Passion , Love , Attachment , Admiration , Affection
Aboveboard निश्छल Honest , Frank , Straightforward , Sincere , Open , Trustworthy Deceitful , Sneaky , Dishonest , Ambiguous , Crooked , Crafty
Abridge संक्षेप करना Shorten , Compress , Abstract , Reduce , Curtail , Abbreviate Enlarge , Lengthen , Expand , Increase , Extend
Abrupt आकस्मिक Sudden , Brief , Blunt , Sharp , Unexpected , Quick , Curt , Rude , Hasty Smooth , Expected , Courteous , Gradual , Expected , Gentle , Gracious
Absurd बेतुका Foolish , Ludicrous , Stupid , Senseless , Ridiculous , Irrational Logical , Reasonable , Sound , Sensible
Abundance प्रचुरता Plenty , Profusion , Surplus Scarcity , Deficiency , Dearth , Lack , Want , Shortage , Need
Accustomed आदी Habitual , Regular , Usual , Customary , Conventional Inexperienced , Special , Rare , New , Unused , Unusual ,
Acknowledge स्वीकार करो Admit , Consent , Profess , Allow , Concede , Confess Contradict , Disallow , Deny , Refuse , Disclaim
Acquisition अर्जन Acquirement , Benefit , Gain , Achievement , Possession , Attainment Loss , Dearth
Adhere पालन Cling , Keep , Fasten , Bind , Stick , Join , Hold Separate , Split , Detach , Disjoin
Adversity विपत्ति Misfortune , Disaster , Ill Luck , Woe , Hardship , Distress , Misery , Poverty , Trouble ,Affliction Prosperity , Good Luck , Fortune , Happiness
Affront अपमान provoke, irreverence conciliate, mollify
Alarming चिन्ताजनक Frightful , Dreadful , Terrible , Shocking , Ominous , Awful , Threatening , Scary Hopeful , Comforting , Auspicious , Encouraging , Optimistic
Amalgamate मिलाना Combine , Blend , Merge , Unite Separate , Split , Divide
Ambiguous अस्पष्ट Unclear , Uncertain , Doubtful , Unsure , Vague , Indefinite , Obscure , Mysterious , Ambivalent Clear , Explicit , Definite , Lucid , Distinct , Evident , Precise
Amiable सौम्य Lovable , Sociable , Charming , Cordial , Winning , Affable , Pleasing , Agreeable , Outgoing , Friendly , Genial Unattractive , Peevish , Displeasing , Rude , Disagreeable , Irritable , Cold , Hateful
Antique प्राचीन Ancient , Outdated , Old Fashioned , Obsolete , Quaint Modern , Contemporary , New , Fresh
Apparent स्पष्ट Clear , Distinct , Visible , Conspicuous , Obvious , Evident Hidden , Invisible , Behind , Ambiguous , Obscure , Mysterious , Secret , Uncertain , Doubtful
Ardent उत्कट Eager , Devoted , Intense , Excited , Passionate , Earnest , Zealous Indifferent , Sluggish , Apathetic , Lethargic , Dull , Cold
Assiduous परिश्रमी Industrious , Active , Diligent , Devoted , Tireless , Laborious , Careful , Attentive Negligent , Lazy , Sluggish , Idle , Indolent , Sluggish
Audacious साहसी Intrepid , Adventurous , Daring , Bold , Courageous , Insolent , Impudent Courteous , Humble , Polite , Modest , Fearful , Timid
Auspicious शुभ Propitious , Fortunate , Benign , Hopeful , Favourable Inauspicious , Baleful , ill-Fated , Ominous , Unlucky
Authentic विश्वसनीय Genuine , Veritable , Real , Pure , Actual , True False , Bogus , Fictitious , Artificial , Fake , Counterfeit
Auxiliary सहायक Helping , Subordinate , Secondary , Spare , Supporting , Additional Fundamental , Principal , Major , Essential , Primary , Chief , Main
Barren बांझ Sterile , Desert , Childless , Bare , Unproductive , Dull Fertile , Yielding , Fecund , Productive , Fruitful
Belief आस्था Trust , Certainty , Faith , Truth , Reliance Distrust , Disbelief , Suspicion , Doubt
Beneath नीचे Below , Inferior , Under , Down , Underneath Up , Beyond , Overhead , Over , Above
Benediction आशीर्वाद Blessing , Boon , Benison , Prayer , Grace , favor , Gratitude , Baptism , Orison Curse , Anathema , Bane , Affliction , Malediction
Blunder बड़ी भूल Mistake , Error , Folly , Omission , Fumble , Fault Accuracy , Correct
Boastful डींग मारने का Bragging , Braggart , Proud , Pompous , Vain , Arrogant , Haughty Modest , Humble
Bravery वीरता Courage , Mettle , Fortitude , Audacity , Gallantry , Heroism , Valour , Daring , Boldness Cowardice , Humility , Fright , Timidity , Dread , Fear
Brevity संक्षिप्तता Short , Laconic , Concise , Brief Confused , Longevity , Loquacious , Verbosity , Garrulity
Bristle बाल खड़े करना Swagger , Burst , Rage , Anger Conceal , Bury , Hide
Brittle नाज़ुक Crisp , Stiff , Fragile , Inflexible , Friable , Delicate , Breakable Supple , Tough , Elastic , Flexible , Hard , Solid , Unbreakable
Brutal क्रूर Savage , Inhuman , Bestial , Merciless , Cruel , Barbarous Tender , Merciful , Compassionate , Humane , Sympathetic , Gentle , Kind
Calamity आपदा Disaster , Misfortune , Catastrophe , Mishap , Hardship , Tragedy , Adversity , Trouble , Misery , Distress Prosperity , Fortune , Peace , Joy , Happiness , Blessing , Boon , Luck , Windfall , Bliss
Callous कठोर Hard , Merciless , Indifferent , Cruel , Heartless , Hard-Hearted , Indifferent , Apathetic , Cold , Tough Soft , Gracious , Tender , Humane , Sensitive , Compassionate , Sympathetic , Affectionate
Candid खरा Impartial , Outspoken , Fair , Straightforward , Truthful , Frank , Sincere , Honest , Just , Deceitful , Double-Dealing , Cunning , Misleading , Crafty , Subtle , Deceptive , Dishonest
Capture कैद Arrest , Occupy , Seize , Conquer , Snatch , Obtain , Catch , Grab , Apprehend , Get , Possession , Take , Attain , Grasp , Acquire , Trap Liberate , Escape , Release , Lose , Acquit , Free
Castigate पीटना Criticize , Punish , Blame , Chastise , Scold , Chide , Censure Compliment , Pardon , Spare , Excuse , Condone , Praise
Chaos अराजकता Disorder , Clutter , Confusion , Bedlam , Jumble , Mess , Agitation , Turmoil , Uproar Order , Discipline , Organization , Calm , Government , System , Harmony , Concord
Cogent ठोस Compelling , Powerful , Forceful , Rational , Potent , Effective Weak , Irrelevant , Invalid , Ineffective , Foolish
Coherent सुसंगत Lucid , Rational , Connected , Compact , Consistent Confused , illogical , Jumbled , Irrational
Combat युद्ध War , Fighting , Battle , Encounter , Contest , Fight , Conflict Harmony , Peace , Concord , Amity , Cooperation , Surrender , Compromise
Compassion दया Mercy , Condolence , Charity , Tenderness , Sympathy , Kindness Cruelty , Antipathy , Barbarity , Severity , Aversion , Hatred , Indifference , Harshness , Brutality , Coldness
Conceited अभिमानी Vain , Egotistic , Arrogant , Boastful , Haughty , Proud , Pompous Modest , Meek , Humble
Concord सामंजस्य Unity , Harmony , Peace , Agreement , Amity , Accord Animosity , Hostility , Discord , Dissent , Disagreement
Condemn निंदा Censure , Rebuke , Blame , Criticize , Denounce , Scold Praise , Appreciate , Acquit , Exonerate , Glorify
Confess कबूल Acknowledge , Declare , Reveal , Concede , Admit , Accept , Disclose , Profess Deny , Reject , Hide , Conceal
Congregation मण्डली Assembly , Throng , Group , Convention , Swarm , Gathering , Crowd , Mass , Flock Division , Solitude , Separation , Seclusion , Dispersion , Loneliness
Contemptible घिनौना Pitiful , Petty , Vile , Mean , Wretched Respectable , Decent , Admirable , Worthy , Excellent
Contrary विरोध Opposite , Adverse , Conflicting , Reverse , Contradictory , Opposed Identical , Pleasant , Similar , Compatible , Consistent , Alike
Controversy विवाद Dispute , Strife , Argument , Discord , Contention , Conflict , Debate , Quarrel Agreement , Peace , Compromise , Concord , Accord , Harmony
Crabby चिड़चिड़ा Bad-tempered , Disagreeable , ill-natured , Sour , Irritable , peevish Good-natured , Cordial , Affable , Pleasant , Amiable , Genial , Sweet
Debase मूल्य घटाना Degrade , Depress , Corrupt , Dishonor , Disgrace , Defile , Abase , Profane , Depreciate Clean , Purify , Honor , Praise , Glorify , Enrich , Uplift
Deceit छल Fraud , Treachery , Deception , Cheating , Hypocrisy , Counterfeit Honesty , Credibility , Truth , Accuracy , Truthfulness , Candor
Deficient अपूर्ण Wanting , Meager , Lacking , Short , Defective , Scanty , Incomplete , Inadequate , insufficient Enough , Excessive , Adequate , Abundant , Plentiful , Ample , Sufficient , Satisfactory
Defile अशुद्ध Corrupt , Degrade , Dirty , Violate , Pollute , Debase , Profane , Contaminate Clean , Purify , Honor , Sanctify
Despair निराशा Disappointment , Hopelessness , Discouragement , Depression , Misery Hope , Optimism , Courage , Anticipation
Dictator तानाशाह Tyrant , Autocrat , Despot , Oppressor Democrat , Follower
Doleful मातमी Dismal , Gloomy , Miserable , Cheerless , Sad , Melancholy , Mournful , Unhappy , Depressed Elated , Glad , Happy , Joyful , Cheerful , Delighted , Jocund
Elegant शिष्ट Luxurious , Polished , Dignified , Fine , Graceful , Refined , Exquisite , Polite Inexpensive , Ugly , Simple , Awkward , Usual , Rough , Vulgar , Rude , Coarle
Eloquent सुवक्ता Expressive , Vivid , Meaningful , Graceful , Significant Hesitant , Meaningless , Clumsy , Inexpressive , Dull
Erudite वैज्ञानिक Learned , Educated , Enlightened , Academic , Literate , Wise , Intellectual Illiterate , Ignorant
Exotic विदेशी Fascinating , Strange , Marvelous Domestic , Common , Familiar , Ordinary
Extraordinary असाधारण Unusual , Fantastic , Remarkable , Exceptional , Astonishing , Uncommon , Amazing Ordinary , Conventional , Commonplace , Mediocre , Customary , Average , Normal , Usual
Facile सुगम Quick , Simple , Eloquent , Fluent , Ready , Easy , Smooth Complex , Hard , Difficult , Clumsy , Awkward , complicated
Falsehood झूठ Deception , Deceit , Fiction , Fabrication , Evasion , Lie Truth , Accuracy , Fact , Veracity , Reality , Honesty , Certainty
Fame प्रसिद्धि Esteem , Repute , Credit , Prestige , Glory , Honour , Reputation , Renown Disrepute , Dishonour , Notoriety , Obscurity , Oblivion
Fatal घातक Lethal , Malignant , Mortal , Destructive , Deadly Life-Giving , Constructive , Helpful , Beneficial
Feeble निर्बल Weak , Fragile , Impotent , Languid , Frail Strong , Forceful , Vigorous , Firm , Muscular , Powerful , Robust
Felicity परम सुख Happiness , Glee , Joy , Bliss , Pleasure , Enjoyment , Delight Unhappiness , Calamity , Affliction , Anguish
Feud अदावत Strife , Dispute , Contention , Conflict , Quarrel Peace , Concord , Amity , Harmony , Agreement
Filthy गंदा Nasty , Foul , Unclean , Putrid , Dirty , Impure , Polluted , Corrupt Immaculate , Clean , Virtuous , Pure , Decent , Spotless
Flattery चापलूसी Eulogy , Applause , Praise , Compliment Criticism , Denunciation , Insult , Condemnation , Derogation , Offence
Forbid रोकना Prohibit , Impede , Disallow , Restrain , Ban , Deny , Prevent Allow , Concede , Permit , Authorize , Approve , Assent
Fortitude धैर्य Endurance , Boldness , Courage , Determination , Resolution , Mettle , Bravery , Strength , Valor Cowardice , Fear , Timidity , Weakness ,
Fragment टुकड़ा Portion , Crumb , Fraction , Scrap , Part , Segment , Piece Whole , Complete , All , Total , Everything
Fraudulent धोखाधड़ी Deceitful , Bogus , False , Fake , Dishonest , Crooked , Deceptive , Treacherous Honest , Legal , Truthful , Trustworthy , Valid , Genuine , Honorable , Upright
Futile निरर्थक Fruitless , Barren , Useless , Pointless , Vain , Ineffective , Unproductive , Worthless , Sterile Rewarding , Useful , Successful , Affective , Fruitful , Worthwhile , Productive
Gruff कर्कश Abrupt , Harsh , Rude , Hoarse , Rough Clear , Civil , Pleasant , Genial , Easy
Harmony सामंजस्य Agreement , Affinity , Concord , Amity , Unison , Accord Conflict , Controversy , Discord , Friction , Disagreement , Dissent , Clash , Contention
Haughty अभिमानी Arrogant , Vain , Pompous , Boastful , Proud Humble , Docile , Week , Timid , Modest , Meek ,
Hazard जोखिम Danger , Threat , Jeopardy , Peril , Venture , Risk Certainty , Surety , Protection , Security
Heedless असावधान Careless , Hasty , Reckless , Rash , Negligent , Indifferent Careful , Observant , Prudent , Attentive , Thoughtful
Hindrance बाधा Obstruction , Constraint , Impediment , Harrier , Blockage , Obstacle , Restriction Help , Support , Contribution , Assistance , Assist , Advance , Aid
Horrible भयंकर Frightful , Horrid , Ghastly , Horrifying , Fearful , Terrific , Ugly , Awful Agreeable , Attractive , Pleasant , Fascinating , Delightful , Pleasing , charming
Humorous विनोदपूर्ण Funny , Playful , Comic , Ludicrous , Comical , Laughable , Jocular , Sportive , Amusing Serious , Morose , Grave , Depressing , Dull , Tragic , Gloomy , Sad , Sober
Identical समान Alike , Exact , Same , Similar , Uniform , Equivalent , Equal , Different , Unlike , Dissimilar , Diverse , Distinct
Impetuous अविवेकी Hasty , Careless , Thoughtless , Reckless , Rash , Impatient Prudent , Sensible , Cautious , Hesitant , Careful
Inclement बेदर्द Rough , Severe , Stormy , Harsh , Unpleasant , Unfavourable Genial , Temperate , Mild , Favourable , Pleasant
Indecent अभद्र Lewd , Coarse , Improper , Offensive , Shameless , Foul Decent , Appropriate , Pure , Virtuous , Moral , Proper
Industrious मेहनती Diligent , Productive , Hard working , Energetic , Zealous Idle , Dormant , Lazy , Inactive , Indolent
Judicious उचित Wise , Sage , Prudent , Reasonable , Sensible , Sane Unreasonable , Imprudent , Foolish , Absurd
Juvenile किशोर Young , Adolescent , Immature , Childish , Youth , Puerile , Callow Mature , Adult , Grown-up , Developed , Advanced
Liberal उदार Plentiful , Generous , Tolerant , Lenient , Free Scanty , Partial , Grasping , Biased , Low , Mean
Lucrative लाभप्रद Profitable , Fertile , Fruitful , Rewarding , Beneficial , Worthwhile , Productive , Remunerative Unprofitable , Marginal , Losing , Unproductive
Merriment आमोद Gaiety , Happiness , Mirth , Amusement , Glee , Delight , Cheerfulness , Laughter , Jocularity Melancholy , Grief , Woe , Desolation , Depression , Sorrow , Sadness
Miserable दुखी Forlorn , Melancholy , Unhappy , Sad , Dismal , Pathetic , Wretched , Oppressive Happy , Jocund , Cheerful , Glad , Joyous , Prosperous , Dignified , Blessed
Modicum भोजन की थोड़ी मात्रा Bit , Scrap , Little , Crumb , Minimum , Morsel , Trifle Lot , Abundance , Much , Plenty
Monster राक्षस Enormous , Gigantic , Huge , Devil , Demon , Tremendous , Giant Tiny , Miniature , Pygmy
Nervous परेशान Hesitant , Anxious , Timid , Restless , Afraid , Tense , Agitated , Disturbed , Uneasy , Agitated , Upset Courageous , Serene , Bold , Calm , Valiant , Relaxed , Brave , Courageous , Confident
Obscure अस्पष्ट Dim , Mysterious , Gloomy , Unclear , Cloudy , Doubtful , Hidden , Vague Apparent , Notable , Lucid , Definite , Straightforward , Visible , Transparent , Clear , Evident
Obstinate हठी Stubborn , Rigid , Headstrong , Adamant , Firm , Obdurate , Determined , Flexible , Yielding , Pliable , Docile , Submissive
Offensive आक्रमण Aggressive , Obnoxious , Repulsive , Hostile , Revolting Defensive , Agreeable , Pleasing , Amiable
Ominous अमंगल Inauspicious , Harmful , Menacing , Dangerous , Threatening , Unlucky , Sinister Auspicious , Encouraging , Promising , Favorable , Propitious , Prosperous , Lucky , Benign
Orthodox रूढ़िवादी Conventional , Usual , Traditional , Customary , Dogmatic Heterodox , Advanced , Unusual , Progressive , Unconventional , Irregular
Outspoken मुखर Frank , Unreserved , Straightforward , Blunt Taciturn , Silent , Timid , Reticent , Reserved
Pertinent उचित Relevant , Proper , Apposite , Suitable , Significant , Applicable , Appropriate Irrelevant , Contradictory , Inappropriate , Irrelative
Precarious अनिश्चित Hazardous , Critical , Risky , Unsafe , Uncertain , Perilous , Dangerous Stable , Reliable , Sure , Secure , Certain , Safe
Predicament स्थिति Puzzle , Fix , Quandary , Difficulty , Dilemma , Counterfeit Assurance , Ease , Decision , Comfort
Pristine प्राचीन Untainted , Pure , Spotless , Original , Clean , Virgin Contaminated , Polluted , Spotted , Damaged , Spoiled , Impure , Dirty
Proclaim प्रचार करो Publish , Communicate , Announce , Circulate , Declare , Reveal , Inform , Profess Recant , Suppress , Retract , Hide , Disavow , Conceal ,
Prodigal उड़ाऊ Lavish , Reckless , Spendthrift , Abundant , Extravagant , Wastrel Thrifty , Selfish , Careful , Limited , Economical , Frugal
Prominent प्रसिद्ध Celebrated , Well-known , Leading , Renowned , Eminent , Outstanding , Notable , Famous , Eye-catching , Important , remarkable Minor , Common , Unimportant , Ordinary , Petty , Average , Hidden , Unknown , Insignificant
Prosaic नीरस Dull , Ordinary , Commonplace , Insipid , Boring , Tedious Interesting , Extraordinary , Fantastic , Exciting , Unusual
Prudent विवेकी Wise , Rational , Careful , Intelligent , Judicious , Provident , Sensible , Cautious Careless , Rash , Extravagant , Reckless , Imprudent , Foolish
Queer विचित्र Curious , Abnormal , Funny , Quaint , Awkward , Strange , Unusual , Odd , Eccentric Normal , Common , Conventional , Usual , Ordinary
Radiant दीप्तिमान Brilliant , Shining , Beaming , Delighted , Resplendent , Ecstatic , Sparkling , Refulgent Dark , Sad , Dull , Gloomy , Dismal
Reluctant अनिच्छुक Unwilling , Resistant , Slow , Averse , Opposed , Hesitant Desirous , Anxious , Willing , Keen , Eager , Enthusiastic , Quick , Ready , Cooperative
Repentance पछतावा Regret , Repent , Sorrow , Humiliation , Grief , Atonement , Anguish , Confession Remorse Satisfaction , Pleasure
Scanty अल्प Deficient , Narrow , Slender , Limited , Meagre , Sparse , Poor, Inadequate , Few , Small , Ample , Plentiful , Excessive , Abundant , Sufficient ,
Sinister भयावह Evil , Unlucky , Idleness , ominous , Corrupt, Wicked , Malevolent Good , Auspicious , Lucky , Vigour , Fortunate , Promising , benign , Favourable , Propitious , Hopeful
Sordid घिनौना Mean , Selfish , Corrupt , Degraded , Immoral , Dirty , Greedy , Base Clean , Reputable , Decent , Respectable, Fresh , Generous , Moral
Splendid शानदार Resplendent , Marvellous , Radiant , Magnificent , Brilliant , Wonderful , Shining , Great , Excellent Dull , Ordinary , Dark , Humble , Dim , Dreadful , Cloudy , Terrible
Stable स्थिर Firm , Steady , Constant , Stationary , Unchanging , Fixed Hesitant , Changeable , Wavering , Shaky , Fluctuating
Sterile बाँझ Barren , Impotent , Unfruitful , Vain , Unproductive , Abortive ,Fruitless , Arid , Futile , Worthless Fruitful , Creative , Productive , Effective , Fertile , Prolific , Fecund ,
Stubborn हठी Headstrong , Firm , Inflexible , Determined , Obstinate , Obdurate Adaptable , Broad-minded , Docile , Open-minded , Flexible , Yielding , Submissive , Agreeable , Easygoing , Obedient
Substantial ठोस Actual , Stable , Real , Prosperous , Existing , Generous Unreal , Needy , Fanciful , Fragile , illusive
Surplus अतिरिक्त Excess , Abundance , Extra , Spare , Surfeit , Plethora , Excessive Wanting , Scarcity , Lacking , Deficiency , Short , Inadequacy , Shortage , Dearth
Tragic दुखद Fatal , Disastrous , Pathetic , Dreadful , Mournful , Shocking Comic , Pleasing , Cheerful , Comical , Amusing
Transient क्षणिक Brief , Spasmodic , Momentary , Changeable , Temporary , Temporal , Ephemeral long , Everlasting , Lasting , Endless , Permanent , Ceaseless , Persistent , Established , Enduring , Constant
Transparent पारदर्शक Frank , Lucid , Open , Clear , Obvious , Apparent , Visible Opaque , Cloudy , Hidden , Murky
Vague अस्पष्ट Dim , Obscure , Nebulous , Indefinite , Doubtful , Ambiguous , Unclear , Abstruse Clear , Evident , Defined , Obvious , Sharp , Certain , Distinct , Definite
Vague अस्पष्ट Uncertain , Confusing , Indefinite , Cloudy , Unclear , Abstruse , Obscure , Murky , Ambiguous , Mysterious , Doubtful Certain , Specific , Definite , Translucent , Clear , Lucid , Distinct , Apparent , Obvious , Evident
Victory जीत Triumph , Fulfilment , Success , Attainment , Achievement , Primacy , Conquest , Domination Defeat , Failure , Downfall , Frustration , Loss
Whimsical सनकी Fantastic , Eccentric , Fanciful , Fickle , Erratic Customary , Normal , Reasonable , Sensible
Wicked शैतान Malevolent , Evil , Heinous , Criminal , Vicious , Corrupt , Immoral , Bad Just , Moral , Good , Virtuous , Upright ,
Worthless बेकार Cheap , Futile , Base , Useless , Valueless , Contemptible Excellent , Useful , Good , Worthwhile , Valuable , Admirable
Wrath कोप Rage , Vexation , Anger , Displeasure , Fury , Irritation , Resentment Pleasure , Affection , Delight , Happiness

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